Q&A (Fatwa)

#897: Can a Sister correct the recitation of her brother if he leads her in Salāt in their Home?


“Asalamualaykum Please when observing Jamah prayer at home, and it was the junior brother that leads, if he forget the next verse from the surah he’s reciting,can the elder sister remind him”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Alhamdulillāh, may Allah bless you and illumine your heart, amīn.

As for this, there is nothing wrong in it. Instead it is recommended of her if it is a Surah that is recited after Fatihah, and Obligatory upon her if the error or forgetfulness is in Sūratu Al-Fātihah.

This is because, as the Fuqahā have mentioned, women were only commanded to clap in Salāt as a way of drawing the attention of the Imām due to the possibility of their voices becoming a Fitnah for Non-Muharram men in the Congregation.

Al-Hāfidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalānī Rahimahullāh said in Fat’hu Al-Bārī:

“And the forbiddance of women saying the Tasbīh (in order to correct or draw the attention of the Imām in the Salāt) is because she was obligated to be generally discreet with her voice in Salāt due to what is feared of her voice been a cause of Fitnah (for men)…”

It therefore follows, as was mentioned in Tarhu At-Tathrīb that she should do that freely if she is in the company of her Mahārim.

And from Allāh comes help and Guidance…

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

Abū Āsim

16th Jumadal Ūla, 1441AH.

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