Reflections on the Covid 19

Period of Epidemics



The Muhaddith Imam Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said regarding the Period of Epidemics:

“Of what is required of everyone is to hasten to returning the rightful rights of others (in his possession), freeing oneself of things that have repercussions, repentance from returning to anything that is a sin against Allah, showing remorse on what has preceded of that (sins), been sincere in rendering advice to others, not being biased favorably or otherwise in the giving of it (advice). All of these are required (from a Believer) always but generally most emphatically required when diseases have become widespread and most particularly on the one upon whom such a disease has contracted. ”

Ref: Badhlu Al-Maa’un Fi Fadli At-Taa’un.

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