Ramadān Digest




This is to seclude oneself in the mosque with the intention of ‘Ibādah and it is highly beloved. Imām Ahmad said:

_I don’t know any scholar amongst the scholars except he considered it as sunnah._

Imām Az-zuhrī said:

_It is amazing for the Muslims who abandoned itikaf, despite that the Rasūl salallāhu’alayhi wasallam never omit itikaf since He came to Madina till Allāh Ta’āla took His life._

The wisdom behind Al ‘itikaf can never be over emphasized. Most of those things that disturb the heart are distractions, and they prevent the heart from sticking to the remembrance of Allāh. Be it family, unnecessary discussions, and friends

The way the fast is placed as a shield for the heart against desires by abstaining from eating, drinking, and sexual relation, likewise Al ‘itikaf is meant to curb the servant from unnecessary discussions and distractions.

Hence, endeavor to practise this ‘Ibadah even though it’s once in your life. May Allāh use this act of ‘Ibadah as an outlet from your grieves, Āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

*Abū Yahya.*

🕊 *IslamNode*
*22nd Ramadān 1441*



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