Ramadān Digest





We are in a great month of Ramadān, it is upon us to obey the commandments of Allāh Ta’āla, and we should fear His punishment and hope for His Mercy.

And also, we should never belittle sin no matter how small it is.

Abū Addardā Radiyallāhu anhu said:

_At-taqwah means a servant to fear His lord, until he fears Him in even the smallest act, and until he desists from that which he may consider to be Halal fearing that it may be Harām so that it may be a screen between him and Harām…_

Thus, do not belittle any good deed in this blessed month of Ramadān. Rather, hasten to practise it without any delay nor procrastination.

And also know that, getting closer to Allāh in Ramadān and attaining taqwah with fasting can never be achieved except with Hijrah from Haram.

Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalī Rahimahullāhu said:

_Know that, getting closer to Allāh can not be fully attained just by mere shunning away the permissible shahwāt during the time of fasting and other than it except after getting closer to Him by desisting from that which Allāh Has made Harām upon him in every situation, be it lies, selfishness, oppression upon others in their blood, wealth and their honor…_

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

*Abū Yahya Al-Atharī.*

11th Ramadān 1439AH

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