Ramadān Digest

Beware of the Shayātīn amongst Men


*Beware of the shayātīn amongst Men.*

Know verily that, even when Allāh Has enchained the shayātīn amongst jin, however, the shayātīn amongst men may even be more numerous in Ramadān to the extent that they may play the same role of the Iblīs and take his position in this regard.

And if one should take a look at the societal level at this time, one will come to notice this fact. In Ramadān, we have individuals who will busy themselves with unnecessary discussions, backbiting, slandering and also try all means to engage others in the sins thereby preventing them from maximizing their time in the month.

And some of them whisper to the believer that the month of Ramadān is a long one, thus, relax.

They are the enemies, therefore, beware of them. Never mingle with them. Rather, seclude yourself from them so that you may be saved from their evils and setbacks.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

*Abū Yahya.*

🕊 *IslamNode*
*9th Ramadān 1442*



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