Ramadān Digest

Days After Ramadān.


*Days After Ramadān.*

Beloved ones, May Allah elevate your status, Āmīn.

It is known that, most people if not all find it difficult to maintain their good conduct after Ramadān. Know, that we are commanded to worship Allāh Ta’āla within and outside Ramadān till death.

And of signs that indicates that Allāh has accepted your good deeds in Ramadān, is for you to build on your good path after Ramadān.

You must continue the battle between You and shaitān, for he has promised to make you live an evil life so that one may be with him in Jahannam, may Allāh save us, Āmīn.

You should plan ahead to continue your servitude to Allāh, for in that, you shall live a happy life and be rewarded for your good deeds.

May Allāh illumine your heart, may He save You from evils, may He overlook your shortcomings and may He be with you in all your endeavors, Āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

*Abū Yahya.*

🕊 *IslamNode*
*30th Ramadān 1442*



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