Reflections on the Covid 19

Days of Ramadan Ahead



The days ahead of us are the Days of Ramadan and there are two bands of people with respect to it.

There are those who will pass through it with difficulty and pain due to the pangs of hunger and the inability to go out to earn some wage…

Then there are those who despite the lock down, are able to eat to their fill and observe their fast in relative happiness and rest of mind…

The later must not forget the former. They must plan a Ramadan that puts into account their needy neighbor and the suffering poor at their doorsteps…

Al-Haakim An-Naysaaburi recorded in Al-Mustadrak from ‘Abdullah bn’ Abbas radiyallahu anhuma that the Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallam said:

ليس المؤمن الذي يشبع وجاره جائع إلى جنبه

“He is not a Believer, the one who eats to his full while his next door neighbor is hungry”

Adh-Dhahabi considered it Sahih in At-Talkhis, likewise Al-Albaani in Sahih Al-Adab Al-Mufrad

Barakallahu Fikum.

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