BooksSultan Muhammad Bello


Author: Sultan Muhammad Bello

This is an abridgment of the Ghayth’l-Wable of Sultan Muhammad Bello that encompasses the rights of the ruler (as-Sultan) upon the subjects (ar-ra`iya), such as obedience to him and giving sincere advice to him.

It also comprises what is obligatory upon him with regard to the subjects like –

-Protecting the territories of Islam (baydat’l-islam);
-Defending the people of Iman;
-Preserving the religion;
-Establishing the ceremonial rites of Islam;
-Rendering the decisions for the judiciary;
-Collecting the zakat; formulating of the public treasury;
-Expending it in its proper dispensation of the shari`a;
-Establishing the punitive punishments of the shari`a;
-Examining the good deeds for the benefit of common citizenry;
-Establishing the jihad;
-Instituting the spoils of war (al-ghana’im) and extracting the fifth (al-khums);
-Justice and equity in his governance

Click to Download: Chapter 1

Click to Download: Chapter 2


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