Reflections on the Covid 19

How Allah `Azza Wa Jalla Punishes His Servants



The Polymath Imam and Master of the Sciences, Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah mentioned in his corpus Al-Jawaabu Al-Kaafi that Once during the reign of Umar bn ‘Abdulaziz the Pious, Generous and humble Caliph, there was an earthquake in the Muslim World that shook the lands. Umar bn’ Abdulaziz wrote to the leaders of the different regions and the different States:

“Indeed this earthquake is a thing with which Allah ‘Azza Wajalla punishes the Servants. And I have written to all the Cities that they should come out on such and such a day in such and such a month. And whosoever has some wealth, let him make Sadaqah with it. For indeed Allah’ Azza Wajall said: He has succeeded the one who purifies and mentions the Name of His Lord and Observes the Salaah. And say like Aadam: O Our Lord we have oppressed ourselves and if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will be of the losers. And say like Yuunus said: La Illaaha Illaa Anta Subhaanaka Inni Kuntu Mina Adh-Dhaalimin”

We should, use this period to repent and ask Allah to forgive us our numerous sins.

Barakallahu Fikum

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