Reflections on the Covid 19

How Allah `Azza Wa Jalla Punishes His Servants 02



The Muhaddith Imam Haakim An-Naysaaburi rahimahullah recorded in Al-Mustadrak that once Anas bn Maalik entered upon ‘Aa’ishah radiyallahu ‘anha and asked her:

“O Mother, what things cause the Earth to Quake ”

She answered :

“Indeed if a woman takes off her clothes in other than the home of her husband, she destroys the screen between her and Allah’ Azza Wajall. And if she applies the perfume for other than her husband, it becomes fire and a disgrace upon her. If the people make Zina permissible for themselves and consume intoxicants, beat musical instruments, it enrages Allah in His Heavens and He says to the Earth, “Quake with them.” If they repent thereafter they are saved or He destroys it upon them.”

Anas said: ” As a punishment for them? ”

She said: “A Mercy and a blessing for them, a warning to the Believers, and a Punishment, a Wrath and a Torment for the Kaafirin”

This is true for all Natural Disasters Quakes, Volcanoes, Epidemics, Draughts, Famine, Floods, etc.

Are much greater than these crimes not prevalent in these days of ours?

Let us repent altogether to Allah in this Period and ask Allah to lift from us this difficulty…

Jazakumullahu Khayran
Barakallahu Fikum

📚 IslāmNode


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