Book Reviews

Ibn Fatūh’s Bayqūniyyah

Book Author: Shaykh Umar Tāhā Ibn Muhammad Ibn Al-Fatūh Adh-Dimashqī Ash-Shāfi'ī - rahimahullāh


The Sciences of Hadīth are very important for the student of Knowledge and an ignorance of them means that the Student of Knowledge cannot understand the Hadīth Literature or how to deduce Rulings from them.

One of the most important Science in this regard is Mustalihu Al-Hadīth (The Terminologies of Hadīth) which not only gives an Introduction into the Sciences of Hadīth, but also gives the Student an understanding of the Terminologies that the Ulamā of Hadīth use to qualify, describe and define Ahādith.

The ‘Urjūzah of the Muhaddith Shaykh Umar Tāhā Ibn Muhammad Ibn Al-Fatūh Adh-Dimashqī Ash-Shāfi’ī – rahimahullāh  known as ‘Al-Bayqūniyyah’ is an excellent Kick-Off for Starters in this Science. This is because the Bayqūniyyah is not only simple to understand, it is very interesting to study and commit to memory.
It contains 39 lines of ‘Urjūzah poetry and probably the highest studied book of Mustalih Al-Hadith across the Muslim world.

Last note, the deeper your Teacher is in the Science of Hadīth, the better you would understand and appreciate the Text.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran


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