
Jumah Nugget: 3 Things You Should Not Miss Out on in Life

Dhun Nurayn El Shabaz

3 Things You Should Not Miss Out on in Life

Remember when your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to place a successive ˹human˺ authority on earth.” They asked ˹Allah˺, “Will You place in it someone who will spread corruption there and shed blood while we glorify Your praises and proclaim Your holiness?” Allah responded, “I know what you do not know.” — Qur’an 2[Al-Baqarah]:30

Have you ever found yourself begging for answers as to who created you and why are you here? There are so many people in a confused state as to what their purpose in life entails. For us as Muslims, it is deeply rooted in our belief in one God — Allah and the concept of worship and submission to Him Alone. Thereafter, Islam doesn’t stop you from fulfilling your other aims in life. In as much as you adhere to the guidance, relate with people in the best of manners, and bring benefit to humanity, you should be fine with your mundane pursuits. You will not live forever, so it’s incumbent to start making plans for the abode of the hereafter.


So in order to achieve your aim in life, live your best life in this world, and not miss out on the goodies of the afterlife, it is important to pay attention to these three critical aspects of your life. Let’s enlist them first and elaborate thereafter:



Life Goals


Worship: In Islam, the primary purpose of our existence is to worship Allah and live in accordance with His guidance. Worship here isn’t limited to rituals like prayer and fasting alone. It transcends all other aspects of life, including moral conduct, marriage, and manners of interactions with others. This in addendum encapsulates submitting to the will of Allah. Allah says:

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. — Quran 51[Adh-Dhariyat]:56


There are three sub-points that you should also pay critical attention to when it comes down to worship:


At-Tauhid: This is the concept of Islamic monotheism. Attesting to faith without ascribing partners with Allah will surely save you from His wrath on the last day. Hence, do not lose your faith in this life, so as not to be punished in the afterlife.

Sunnah: The sunnah is an exemplary way of life given by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. You cannot worship Allah without following the sunnah for this is a condition for acceptance of deeds.

Istiqamah: This simply means steadfastness. All through life, you will struggle with consistency. Hence, just do your best with good intentions solely for Allah’s sake. Perfection is not the goal but attaining excellence in all aspects of worship. And always remember to ask for Allah’s forgiveness whenever you fall short.

2. Life Goals: At times, people have a messed up understanding of Islam. They think since the basic purpose of existence is worship, then that’s the only thing we have to do. This is a misunderstanding as Allah permits lawful trade, family living, nice rides etcetera. So there’s nothing wrong with you pursuing your ambition in as much as it doesn’t affect your principal aim; which is worship. Allah says:


Seek through that which Allāh has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allāh has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allāh does not like corrupters.” — Qur’an 28[Al-Qassas]:77


There are also three sub-points to pay more attention to when it comes to life goals:


Ambition: It’s good to dream big and set realistic goals for yourself. Strategize how you want your life to turn out to be. Work hard towards it while believing in Allah, believing in yourself, and believing in the beauty of your dreams.

Moderation: For every life goal you set for yourself, do not become extreme at it. Understand that you as a Muslim have to maintain a balance in everything that you do. Do not let greed and the love of the world consume you.

Distraction: Life is beautiful especially when you’re blessed with good health, wealth, and time. No one ever had these three except that they became distracted from their main purpose — worship. The web of women and wealth are among the distractive webs of shaytan which many men have fallen for.

3. Legacy: Everyone of us is a product of our parents which translates to our actions being impactful to the world after we are gone. What this means is that we will die someday and be remembered for something which took place while we were living. We should all strive to lead a positive beneficial life before we retire. Here’s a beautiful hadith that illustrates it well:


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When the human being dies, his deeds end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him.” — Sahih Muslim


Let’s briefly look into how these three things relate to your legacy and work in your favor:


Ongoing charity: This is a good deed that you executed with good intentions during your lifetime but continues to benefit people even while you have passed away. A good example is the Islamic Trust of Uthman ibn Affan which exists until today 1400 years after he had gone.

Beneficial Knowledge: This could be anything that brings benefit to humanity as a resource. It could be books, lectures, recordings, and a lot more. Imagine Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, An-Nawawi, Sheikh Albani, and the rest of the scholars who worked on the preservation of the hadith. They remain indelible in the heart of students of knowledge across the globe.

Righteous Child: One of the best legacies you can leave behind is a righteous child who prays for you while you’re gone. Look at how Prophet Ibrahim would always do acts of worship with his son Ismail. Imagine Prophet Yaqub asking his sons who will they worship after he’s gone. The beautiful advice of Luqman Al-Hakeem remains golden in the pages of the Qur’an. Hence, leave a good child for the world while you’re gone.

Overall, the purpose of life in Islam centers around worshiping Allah, adhering to His guidance, developing moral character, and seeking eternal success in the hereafter. As Muslims, we believe that a life lived in accordance with these principles brings both fulfillment in this world and the promise of a reward in the hereafter. We ask Allah to grant us the best of both worlds.


And of them there are some who say: “Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!” — Qur’an2[Al-Baqarah]:201


PS: Success comes only by the will of Allah! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by Allah’s Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes. Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well.


Yaumul Jum’ah 1st Safar 1445H // Friday 18th August 2023.






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