
Jumah Nugget: How Can You Determine if an Earthquake is a Sign of the Day of Reckoning?

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz

O mankind! Fear your Lord and be dutiful to Him! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible thing — Qur’an 22[Al-Hajj]:

The knowledge of the day of reckoning is part of the unknown. No faith tells more about its signs and portents than Islam did. The Noble Qur’an has a whole chapter — Suratul Qiyamah dedicated to mankind about events of the day of judgment. Not only that, there are numerous ahadith found from the sunnah of the messenger of Allah shedding light on this important matter. Interestingly, it’s part of our doctrinal belief. A true believer in Allah must also attest to the reality of the last day.

A Trial for the Ummah

Without an iota of doubt, there’s no shocking disaster in history that has affected humanity to the extent that earthquakes have. They happen unpredictably, anywhere at any time. Even modern technology of the twenty-first century hasn’t been able to prevent it or limit its damage.

Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet Peace be upon him said: These people of mine is one to which mercy is shown. It will have no punishment in the next world, but its punishment in this world will be trials, earthquakes and being killed— Abu Dawud

In another narration, the prophet peace be upon him precisely mentioned these events happening in Ash-Sham and Yemen. This is an area covering the eastern Mediterranean which includes the modern countries of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and Turkey. Many of us can attest to the tribulations occurring in those regions for decades, especially Palestine and Syria. The hadith in reference is depicted below:

Scenes from Türkiye and Syria

For us to understand further, the recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey brought to light some salient points as mentioned in the Qur’an. A tragic scene was that of a pregnant mother who was trapped under a collapsed building in Aleppo. Owing to the torments of the devastating earthquake, she gave birth to her child under duress. However, she died before rescue workers arrived to help. May Allah forgive and have mercy on her soul. The good news is — the newborn was saved and going through recuperation. Allah gave us a similitude of this scenario in the following verses where He said:

A baby girl was born under the rubble in Syria but the mother never survived

That is because Allâh: He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who is Able to do all things. And surely, the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and certainly, Allâh will resurrect those who are in the graves. — Qur’an 22[Al-Hajj]:6–7

More signs for Resurrection

  • Earthquake Frequency: Over the last decade, there’s been an average of eleven earthquakes per year. The degree of severity and magnitude differs from place and time.
  • Quickness of TimeTime runs fast to the point that when you look back and count your days, you’d be reminiscing memories of decades.
  • Presence of afflictions: Trials of pain and suffering have become the order of the day from the east to the west. There’s rarely a part of the globe that hasn’t tasted a fair share of tribulation.
  • Rise in murderous cases: We live in a time where the one who is being killed doesn’t know the reason for which he’s was killed.
  • Increase in wealth: Today, there’s abundant wealth beyond the thought of our forefathers. The earliest generation of Muslims barely had a loaf of bread to eat. In recent days, we eat to our fill and even have extra to waste.

On a Final Note

Beloved brethren, these earthquakes are a source of trial for humanity. In addition, they equally serve as a reminder for us to take heed and return back to our Lord in repentance before it’s too late. Finally, it’s a sign about the nearness of the day of certainty — a glimpse into the horror of what to expect.

When the earth is shaken in its ultimate earthquake. And when the earth throws out ˹all˺ its contents. And humanity cries, “What is wrong with it?” On that Day the earth will recount everything, having been inspired by your Lord ˹to do so˺. On that Day people will proceed in separate groups to be shown ˹the consequences of˺ their deeds. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it. — Qur’an 99[Az-Zalzalah]:1–8

We ask Allah — The Most Merciful to save us from the trials of these turbulent times, grant us forgiveness, and shower His Mercy upon us. Amin!


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