Ramadān Digest

Laziness is not an Option



So many people are lazy in the month of Ramadān. They sleep very early and wake up very late, drag their feet and yawn all day.

Not because they do not know the bounty in the days or have forgotten that it will pass over them. But because they chose to be lazy and haven’t been fasting through the year.

Their similitude is like the one who throws away gold because he finds it heavy to carry.

It is a month of 29/30 days and will surely pass over. That you toil in it and get lean while attaining the high status it presents is better for you than that you remain full and earn nothing in it.

Be like the Salaf, be like the great men of the past.

Az-Zarkalī – rahimahullāh – mentioned in Al-I’lām 7/97

“Imām Qatādah As-Sadūsī used to complete his recitation of the Qur’ān every 7 days, and in Ramadān, every 3 days. And in the last ten days, every day. And he passed away in the middle of 117H while he was 56years if Age.”

Can’t you be like him?

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

Abū Yahya

🕊 IslamNode
2nd Ramadān 1441




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