The Erudite Imām Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah – rahimahullāh – said:
_”I have read in some of the History of the past that there was once a Just Judge from Banī Isrā’īl who made a will to them that after his death they should exhume his corpse from his grave after he has tarried there a while, and to check what has happened to the remains of his corpse if something had happened to it or not._
_”He said: I have never oppressed or cheated anyone in Judgement ever before. Neither have I ever equivocated for anyone. Except that once two disagreeing people ever came to me and I listened to one of them with my ears better than I listened to the other with my ears.”_
_So they did what he willed them to do. And they saw that all of his body was still fresh as he was buried except his ear.”_
Ref: _I’lām Al-Muwaqqi’īn_ 1/89
If that is what is said about a Pious Judge who judged with justice and never oppressed, what then is to be said about the judge that imposes man-made oppressive laws upon the people?
O People! When will we return to the Sharī’a of Allāh?
Bārakallāhu Fīkum