Reflections on the Covid 19

Purity of Intentions



It is a point of Agreement among the Ulama of Islam that deeds varry in rewards with respect to the purity of the intentions with which they are carried out and with respect to the situations that surround them.

For this reason, on a day of difficulty and hunger, a day of need and famine, to feed the Needy or to provide for the poor and hungry is much more rewarding than when same is done in other than such a day.

In the spirit of same, the majority of the Fuqaha encouraged the hastening of giving out the Zakaat before its appointed 1 year cycle if in the hastening of giving it is the need of the poor provided it has reached the Nisaab.

The Icon, Ibn Taymiyyah said:

“It is permissible to hasten the giving of the Zakaat after the Causative Factor for its compulsion has been fulfilled (the quantity has attained the Nisaab). This is the position of majority of the Ulama, of them are the Imams Abu Hanifah, Ash-Shaafi’i and Ahmad. In accordance with that, it is permissible to hasten the Zakaat on Animals, on Gold and Silver and on Business Capital provided it has attained the Nisaab”

Baarakallahu Fikum
Jazakumullahu Khayran

📚 IslāmNode


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