Book Reviews

“Raf’u Al-Malām ‘An Al-A’immati Al-A’alām”

Book Author: Taqiy al-Din 'Abu al-Abbas 'Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm ibn ʿAbd as-Salām ibn ʿAbdullāh ibn al-Khiḍr ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Khiḍr ibn ʾIbrāhīm ibn ʿAli ibn ʿAbdullāh an-Numayrī al-Ḥarrānī

Shaykhu Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah – rahimahullāh – is a Mujtahid by consensus, an Imām in the Hanbalī Madh’hab, a Master of Mutūn, a Polymath by agreement and a Memorizer of the Books of Hadīth. In Levels of Thought and Intelligent quota, his contemporaries rated him the highest for he preceded his peers in almost all the Sciences and his ability to stand upon the truth, call to it, bear pains and torture in its cause, and sacrifice his life for it. May Allāh be merciful to him, āmīn and unite us with him in the Firdaws.

His opus “Raf’u Al-Malām ‘An Al-A’immati Al-A’alām” is unique in its theme, approach and thread. It borders on the reasons for which Madhāhibs differ, reasons for which Positions and Statements of some of the Imams clearly go against the texts of some Hadīth that are sound and authentically from the Rasūl  salallāhu alayhi wasallam, on why such Ulamā must be excused in their positions and not blamed.

At the same time, the Genius Imām confirmed that it is obligatory upon every believer to practice in full implementation whatever reaches him of the Text whether an Imām he follows practiced it or not. While we must excuse some Imams for going away from Nass (Text), we must not emulate them in their going away from the said Nass. That would mean two wrongs at the same time.

Raf’u Al-Malām has had a great impact on Ulamā throughout our history. It has had its influence on me too. Reason is that it opens the eyes of the Student of Knowledge to objectivity and tolerance to the differences in our Jurisprudence.

If you have mastered Classical Arabic, you may not need a teacher on this one. If you haven’t, then you must learn it under the guidance of a Shaykh.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran


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