Ramadān Digest

Ramadān, The Visitor


*Ramadān, The Visitor.*

The Ramadān is as though the visitor while you are the host, then, where are the rights of the visitor? The Ramadān is though an ocean while the Day of ‘Īd is the seashore. Ramadān is as though pearls awaiting you to grab them.

Oh the eyes which is empty of tears, this is the season of rain. Oh the heart that’s hardened like rocks, free off yourself from such anxiety. Oh the frightened soul, oh the lost one in the jungle.

Never loose hope. Ramadān is here with you to wean you off your sins, thus, shun away from laziness and open the doors of righteousness for yourself and you shall find the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla pouring on you from all corners.

May Allāh make this Ramadān one of your best Ramadān , Āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

*Abū Yahya.*

🕊 *IslamNode*
*6th Ramadān 1442*



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