Ramadān Digest

Ramadān, The Visitor


*Ramadān, The Visitor.*

Beloved ones, Alhamdulillah, we have covered more than half of the month of Ramadān and the month will soon depart.

Do you think you have done a lot or you need to gather more momentum for the remaining days?

Beloved ones, if you doublecheck yourselves sincerely, you will notice that you need to Hasten more for these golden days left.

Therefore, rush towards good, shun away laziness even though it may be sweeter than honey to you, for its end is bitter than the colocynth (bitter Apple). The sweetness of laziness is for an hour and it vanishes away with time while the reward of patience for ‘Ibādāt is praiseworthy and everlasting.

The Days left are too small. Hasten to maximize them with high determination. Work hard within these days and free yourselves from the captivity of desires with Taqwah.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

*Abū Yahya.*

🕊 *IslamNode*
*18th Ramadān 1442*



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