Returning to Allah with Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness for our Numerous Sins.
Beloved One, what is obligatory upon myself and you in this trying time and Era is to return to Allah with Repentance, seeking forgiveness for our numerous sins.
Let each and every one of us turn to his private life and ask himself if he has been faithful with his convenant to Allah.
Let each one of us see this calamity as a result of his numerous sins and persistence in same and refusal to repent over the years.
Ibn ‘Asaakir rahimahullah recorded in Ta’arikh Dimashq that when famine befell the Sahaabah in the year of Ramaadah during the Khilaafah of ‘Umar radiyallahu’ anhu, when ‘Abbas the Uncle of the Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallam was asked to make Du’a for the Ummah, of what he said were the words :
اللهمَّ لاينزل بلآء إلا بذنب ولايُرفع إلا بتوبة اللهمَّ تُبنا إليك
“O Allah!, calamities do not descend unless with the occurrence of sins and they are not lifted except with the occurence of Tawbah. O Allah, we repent to you”
Return to Allah today in repentance and seek for Allah’s help.
O Allah grant ease to this Ummah in this trying period, amin.
Jazakumullahu Khayran