Reflections on the Covid 19

Supplication against Epidemics



The Fuqaha of Islam are in agreement that no matter the differences and disagreements between you and your Muslim brother, you must not pray against him that he becomes a victim of anything whose occurrence afflicts more than one person such as flood, fire🔥 building 🏢 collapse, drowning and of course epidemic disease.

The inference in that is that you must not wish your worst rival that is Muslim that this epidemic befalls him no matter the animosity between you and the reason is that its effect spreads to other than him…

You must wish for your brother what you wish for yourself, it is a necessary part of your Iman.

Therefore, let us make Du’a for those who have been afflicted that Allah heals them and grants them soundness of health. And from Allah comes all help…

Barakallahu Fikum.



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