Reflections on the Covid 19

Supplication for Relief from any Epidemic



There is agreement with the Fuqahaa that making Du’a for relief from any epidemic is required and obligatory upon the Ummah.

But the Ulama of Sunnah are also in agreement that making gatherings for the purpose of making Du’a for its alleviation is an innovation.

Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar mentioned in Badhlu Al-Maa’un that the gathering of people for making of Du’a like is done with respect to Istisqaa (Prayer for Rainfall) is an innovation that was introduced by some unscrupulous persons during the Great Epidemic ( At-Taa’un Al-Kabir) that happened in Dimashq 749 years after the Hijrah.

But this gathering for prayer of theirs only worsened the situation.

Ibn Hajar said:

“Thus the People came out into the deserts, and the majority of the Eldest people in the land. They made Du’a and sought for succor. Thus the Epidemic became more severe after that and its effect multiplied. And before their Du’a, it was less serious”

So, let us pray and pray and pray, and seek forgiveness from Allah, all of us, for our sins in repentance to Him, but let us not innovate into our Din…

Jazakumullahu Khayran.


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