Imām Abū Ja'afar Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Salāmah Al-Azdī At-Tahāwī

Imām Abū Ja’afar Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Salāmah Al-Azdī At-Tahāwī – rahimahullāh – was born 239 years after the Hijrah and studied extensively from his uncle Abū Yahya Al-Muzanī who was the stalwart of the Shāfi’ī School at that time in Misr. He later preferred the Hanafī school over the Shāfi’ī. He excelled in the sciences of Hadīth, Fiqh, Lugga and Arūd.
Imām Adh-Dhahabī – rahimahullāh – said about him:
“He is the Muhaddith Faqīh and Hāfidh, one of the illuninaries who was firm, strong in memory, trustworthy and highly intelligent”
Of his many books is ‘Al-Aqīdah‘ which is in 105 lines of prose in which he summarily presents the Creed of Islām and what the Salaf believe in.
Notably, the three schools of Creed that remained within the precincts of Sunnah: the Hanbalī (Salafī), the ‘Ash’arī and the Māturīdī schools all agree on what is contained in the book.
It is excellent, and the Ulamā would say that the one who is yet to study it is yet to understand the basics of his Dīn.
Strive to acquire its knowledge from a Shaykh whom you trust and whose guidance you can rely upon. This is important for your Dīn and the Dīn of your beloved ones…
Bārakallāhu fīkum