Reflections on the Covid 19

The Niqāb



The Niqaab is one of those beautiful aspects of a Muslim Woman that most people underestimate and ridicule due to their ignorance of the beauty of Islam..

It should be known that the Fuqahaa in their appreciation of it differed as to the obligation of it though they all encouraged that it be worn especially where Fitnah is feared..

There is also a very minority position that commanded that a man wears the Niqaab if he is in a place where he may be a source of Fitnah to others…

In the past decades, we have seen how European Countries legislated against the Niqaab and considered it an affront to the Western Civilization…

In their craze, some Muslims joined them, seeing the Niqaab as a backward and primitive lifestyle.

These same people, with the onslaught of the Corona Virus today, shamelessly ask that people wear face masks 🎭. Some of these European countries even mandate its wearing in public places in order to limit the Corona Virus spread and they have admitted that those who wear the face veils (Niqaab) in public have the lowest chances of contracting the disease.

Thus, wear the face mask for fear of the Corona and do not wear the Niqaab even for the fear of Allah.

Let our Muslim Sisters who use the Niqaab wear it with pride and happiness for the observance of the limits of Allah.

In the Commands of Allah are wisdoms beyond our human reasoning…

Jazakumullahu Khayran

📚 IslāmNode


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