The Muslim lands suffered from the depths of extreme Sufism that was characterized by near abandonment of Tawhīd for generations. There were always Ulamā that remained upright and balanced in Creed but the influence of the Scholars aligned with Powerful Kings and Rulers overshadowed their efforts.
Until Allāh made it possible for the Shaykh and Imam Muhammad bn ‘AbdilWahhāb rahimahullāh to come up with his Da’awah in the Najd province of the Arabian Peninsula. His Da’awah was to the Revival of Tawhid whose pillars were crumbling and Allāh aided the Da’wah.
His book ‘Thalāthatu Usūl‘ or ‘Al-Usūlu Ath-Thalāthah’ was written to introduce the Muslim to the most important things of the Dīn that he must know and the basics about them. Alas, they are the three questions everyone would have to answer in the graves…
Have you studied it under a Shaykh? Try to do that if you haven’t.
Bārakallāhu fīkum