Reflections on the Covid 19

Trials and Difficulties



Beloved One, know that Trials and Difficulties have their appointed terms and for this reason, the proper response to them is patience, forbearance and Reliance upon Allah.

Your loss of control, your wrath, your anger and your impatience when calamities struck does not shorten the lifespan of the calamity or difficulty. It’s appointed term will pass and fulfill its term whether or not you like or approve of it…

But when you trust in your Lord and observe the Sunnah of Patience, Steadfastness, Submission, Tawbah and Istighfaar, you get your sins forgiven, attain his rewards and elevate your status before Him by so doing.

This Pandemic is a difficulty no doubt, it has its term known to Allah Alone, La Ilaaha Illaa Huw…

Jazakumullahu Khayran

📚 IslāmNode


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