2. It indicates that one should take from this dunya what will suffice him and assist him in his journey. This is because a stranger or a traveler always carry a small baggage when traveling, for he knows that he is on a journey and he has not gotten to his destination. This is the similitude of a servant of Allah. He takes little from this dunya to assist him in journey and works day and night to get to his permanent home without loosing hope or slackening for the least.
3. It shows that one should not grieve or feel sorrow over what befalls him of tribulations and trials, for it will come to an end. And jannah will be his abode if he is among the believers and the patient ones.
4. It encourages one to maximize his health condition before he falls sick. He should always obey Allah’s commandments before sickness. And if he falls sick, and he could not carryout his voluntary act, Allah will continuously reward him for the act.
5. It also indicates one should hasten to use his life and time accorded to him by Allah to attain Allah’s pleasure in the hereafter before death approaches him. This is because dunya is the daarul Amal (place of work) while hereafter is the daarul Jazaah( place of reward).
Allaahu A’alam!