Daily Posts
On the best way to acquire Ilm, Imaam Ash-Shaatibi said:
“Of the most beneficial ways of acquiring Ilm that leads to mastering and understanding it is to take it from its Masters among the Ulamaa who have completely, thoroughly and rigorously mastered it.” Al-I’tisam
Al-Imaam Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi – rahimahullaah said:
“And it is incumbent that the seeker of knowledge should have an Ustaadh from whom he learns and to whom he returns in getting clarity on what is obscure to him, and from whom he learns the ways of Ijtihad, and that with which he will be able to differentiate between what is sound and what is false…”
(Al-Faqih Wa Al-Mutafaqqih 2/83)