Q&A (Fatwa)

#234: Ruling on what Constitutes Delaying of Salāt


“Please,the punishment for delaying Salaat has been mentioned in the Sunnah. What exactly does the “delay of Salaat” means? Does it mean saying it after its expiration, or saying it after the Jamaat have finished praying?BaarakAllaahu feekum wa JazaakumuLLaahu khairan!

Baarakallaahu feekum!

What is meant by delaying the Salaat could mean one of two things. Either delaying it to the later time within the ranges of its stipulated time or it could mean delaying it beyond its stipulated time.

The Ahaadith have shown that observing the Salaat at the onset of its time range is of the best of deeds.

While it is permissible to delay it till the last part of its time range, it is Haraam to delay it beyond its stipulated time.

The Majority of the Ulamaa stipulate that Dhuhr begins from just after Geographical mid-day to just before the shadow of an object is equal to its height – which is when Asr comes in.

Asr lasts till the shadow is twice the height of its object, or to when the sun is just some time to setting.

Maghrib is from sunset till twilight ends.

Ishaa is from twilight according to the Jamhur (majority) and from Dusk according to the Hanafis till geographical midnight according to the Hanbali and Shafi’i schools, and till the last 1/3 of the night sets in according to the Maalikis.

Subh is from dawn till the sun begins to rise.

To delay any of these from its stipulated time to another period without an excuse is what constitutes Haraam and Kufr, based on the reasoning of some of the Ulamaa.

The punishment therefore referred to in the question is to delay it beyond its stipulated time to when it has already expired.

Jazaakumullaahu Khayran!
Wa Baarakallaahu feekum.
————————————————– 📨@IslamNode📤


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