Q&A (Fatwa)

#299: Ruling on Exorcism of Jinns


As-Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.
May ALLAH bless you, us and the entire Ummah. Been yearning to know about something I heard about the world of Jinn. Can a Jinn be destroyed or rendered incapacitated if refused to go out. As it’s known that there are certain prescribed recitations extracted from the Qur’ān and admonished by the Noble Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam), after all prescribed done, yet abortive. JazakumuLLAH khairan


Wa alaikum salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakatuh, and Amin for the dua.

What we can say for sure is that recitation of the Quran and the recitation of adiyaat used in exorcism by a pious Muslim causes serious discomfort to the jinn and makes them flee. This is because the rasul alaihi salam said in a hadith narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the shaitan flees from a house in which suratul Al Baqarah is recited. Muslim

If however exorcism is done but not by adhering to the Sunnah or the person doing it is not pious, Or the person doing it is ignorant of the ways of the jinns and not patient to continue till Allah makes a way, then such cases can occur.

It is related that Imam Ahmad was sitting in his mosque. There came to him one of his companions from the caliph al-Mutawakil. The man said to Ahmad, “In the house of the commander of the Believers, there is a slave-girl who is possessed. He sent me to you for you to pray for her recovery.” Ahmad gave him a pair of wooden shoes and said, “Go to the house of the commander of the believers and sit at the head of the slave girl and say to the jinn, Ahmad has said to you, “Which do you prefer: leaving this slave-girl or being struck by these shoes seventy times?”

The man went with the shoes to the slave girl and he did as he was instructed. He heard from the tongue of the slave-girl, “Listening and obedience is for Ahmad. If he were to order us to leave Iraq, we would leave it. He obeys Allah and for whoever obeys Allah, everything is obedient to him.” It left the slave girl. She became better and afterwards she gave birth to children. Then Ahmad died and the jinn returned again to the slave girl. The commander called the same companion again to come. He came with the same shoes and said to the jinn, “Leave or else I will strike you with this shoe.” The jinn said, “I will not leave nor will I obey you but Ahmad ibn Hanbal obeyed Allah and we were ordered to obey him.”

And Allah knows best.

Jazaakumullahu khairan!
Baarakallahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs

20th Ramadan 1438A.H



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