Q&A (Fatwa)

#392: Can Ruqya be recited for a Non-Muslim who is afflicted with Jinn?


” Sallam alaykum honourable admin,pls can ruqya be done on a disbeliever possessed by jinn,pls what are etiquette of performing ruqya,jazakamullahu khyran”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


Know, may Allāh’s mercy envelope us and you, that the ‘Ulamā are at a consensus on the permissibility of a Muslim reciting the Ruqya for a Kafir especially if in such doing is an invitation to the Kāfir to accept Islām.

It is mentioned in the Al-Mawsū’atu Al-Fiq’hiyyah:

“There is no difference of opinion among the Fuqahā on the permissibility of a Muslim making the Ruqyah for a Kāfir. They use as evidence for this the Hadīth of Abū Sa’īd Al-Khudry – radiyallāhu ‘anhu – and the point of reference is that the Township in which they alighted and which refused to welcome them were Kūffār and the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – did not rebuke them for that.”

The Hadīth to which they refer is the Hadīth recorded by both Imām Al-Bukhāri and Imām Muslim from Abū Sa’īd Al-Khudry that a Company of the Companions on one of their journeys alighted in a Settlement among the Settlements of Arabs that refused to take them in and welcome them as guests until it was night time and the leader of the Settlement was stung by a scorpion. One of the Companions recited Sūrah Fātihah as Ruqya for the stung leader.

And Allāh knows best

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

23rd Safar 1439AH

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