Praise be to Allah the lord of the worlds, master of the day of judgement, YOU alone we worship and YOU alone we ask for help & Salaat and salaam be upon the best of prophets and the leaders of the messenger, our master, Muhammad (SAW) and upon his household, his companions & those that follow afterwards, and all those that follow him until the day of judgement.
Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone.
Insha’Allah we shall continue with our discussions today with the topic : THE QUR’AN AND THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMITTING IT TO MEMORY AND RECITING IT
This matter we intend to discuss is so important that some of the Ulamaa wrote volumes of books to discuss it; among them is Imaam An-Nawawi rahimahullah the Shaafi’i Imaam In his ‘At-Tibyan’, and his ‘Shar’hu Al-Mu’hadhdhab’, and As-Suyuti in his Itqaan
First Matter: Importance of its Recitation
It is important to increase and frequent the recitation of the Qur’an. Allah – ta’ala – said while praising those who frequent its recitation:
((يتلون آيات الله آناء الليل)) آل عمران
“They recite the verses of Allah at the hours of the night” Al-Imran:113
And in the Sahihayn from Ibn Umar – radiyallaahu anhuma –
لا حسد إلا في اثنتين، رجل آتاه الله القرآن فهو يقوم به آناء الليل وآناء النهار…))
“Envy is not permissible but in two cases: a man whom Allah bestowed with (knowledge of) the Qur’an and then He stays upright upon it during the hours of the night and the day.”
May Allah make us among them, aameen!
Second Matter: Forgetting the Verses committed to memory
Imaam An-Nawawi mentioned in ‘Ar-Rawdah’ that to forget verses committed to memory is a Kabirah among the kabaa’ir. This is due to the Hadith transmitted by Imaam Abu Daawud and other than him that the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – said:
“The sins of my Ummah were shown to me. I did not see – among those sins – any one greater than a Surah of the Qur’an or an Aayah which was bestowed (in memory) upon a person then he forgets it”
It has come in the Sahihayn the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – said:
تعاهدوا القرآن فو الذي نفس محمد بيده، لهو أشد تفلتا من الإبل في عقلها
“Frequent the recitation of what has been memorised of the Qur’an. For by the one in whose Hand the soul of Muhammad lies, it is hastier to disappear than the camel by its stake”
And, from the experience of those of experience, that is true!
- Making Wuduu to recite it
This is because it is the best forms of Adhkaar as Imaam An-Nawawi mentioned. It is established that the Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – disliked making adhkaar without Wudhuu.Imaam An-Nawawi said in Shar’hu Al-Mu’hadhdhab:
“if during his recitation he is poked by the need to pass wind (to fart) then let him pause his recitation, excuse himself and allow himself to pass it and then he renews his Wudu…” - Recite in a clean place
And the best of such places is the Masjid. Most the Ulamaa are against reciting in the bathroom or on the road. - Facing the Qiblah in a sitting and composed position
Imaam As-Suyuti mentioned that in Al-Itqaan. - To observe the Miswaak before commencing
Ibn Maajah recorded from Ali – radiyallaahu anhu – that he (Ali) said:إن أفواهكم طرق القرآن، فطيبوها بالسواك“Indeed your mouths are the Path of the Qur’an, therefore purify it with the siwak”
The Hadith is graded Sahih by Al-Albaani in Sunan Ibn MaajahAs-Suyuti said:
“I say: And if he pauses the recitation and then returns soon, the same way it is mustahabb that he repeats the Ta’awwdh (seeking refuge from Allah), he should repeat the use of the Siwaak”
That is in ‘Al-Itqaan’
فإذا قرأت القرآن فاستعذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
“And when you recite the Qur’an, then seek Allah’s refuge from Shaytaan the accursed”
An-Nawawi said:
“And if some people pass across him, and he says the salaam to them then he returns to the recitation. That he repeats the ta’awwudh is better.”
Ash-Shaatibi refers to the obligation of the Ta’awwudh in his ‘Hirzu Al-Amaani’
- Begining with the Basmala
i.e saying ‘Bismillaahi ar-Rahmaani ar-Rahim’Imaam Ash-Shaatibi mentions that it is obligatory when you begin a surah to recite it and mustahabb if begining somewhere other than the begining of the surah such as at the ajzaa (parts). - The Qur’an does not require Niyya for its recitation
- Tarteel (moderate speed) recitation is the best forms of recitation.
Allah bless them, Aameen.8. It is mustahabb to weep while reciting and to pretend to weep if you cannot weep due to the hardness of your heart.
In the Hadith, the Rasul -salallaahu alayhi wasallam – said:
9. It is sunnah to beautify the voice
Rasul – salallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
زينوا القرآن بأصواتكم
“Beautify the recitation of the Qur’an with your voices”
Sahih Sunan Abi Daawud
An-Nawawi mentions the Ijmaa of the Ulamaa on that
It is disliked to cut the recitation just for the purpose of talking to someone without any cogent reasons.
Al-Halimi says: “that’s because it is the Word of Allah and it is not proper to prefer someone over Allah is discussion”
And that is the Sunnah on Ibn Umar radiyallaahu anhuma as mentioned by Imaam Al-Bukhaari in his sahih
To recite with the Tajwid is also waajib as all of the Ulamaa have agreed
May Allah make us among the People of the Qur’an
O people! What we have mentioned here is simply most but not all of the aadaab of recitation. We intend to stop here. Next time, if Allah spares us with Imaan, life and health, and worthy situation, we shall discuss the details of the memorization of the Qur’an
May Allah make us among those that can practice all what we have said, aameen!
Questions and Answers
And that it because of the kind of ill-respect accorded to it thereby. It is makruh and not haraamما هي الآدآب لقراءة القرآن للحائض؟
Answer: as for the menstruating woman, the Ulamaa differ on the ruling of her recitation to 4 madh’habs:
1. Permissibility to recite from the mus’haf (copy of Qur’an) and touching it. This is the dominant in the Hanafi Madh’hab
2. Impermissibility to recite from mus’haf but from heart. This is the dominant Maaliki and Hanbali madh’hab
3. Impermissibility to recite at all unless for ta’awwudh. This is the view of some of the Shafi’is, some Maalikis, and some Hanbalis
4. Permissibility to recite from mus’haf without touching. This is the view of some of the muhaqqiqun (thorough researchers) and it is the soundest inshaa Allah
That is what most of the Muhaqqiqun today hold such as Shaykh Umar Al-Haddushi – hafidhahullah – and it is the verdict that comprises all of the ahaadith and aathaar that has come on the matter.
Recitation without Wudu is waajib to some Maaliki scholars, and their view is strong due to the Hadith of ‘As-Sahifah’ transmitted and recorded by Maalik in Al-Muwatta. Its isnaad is declared Sahih by Al-Albaani who himself held a contrary view in the beginning of his life but later changed to the the Maaliki verdict at the end of his life as his closest students mentioned
Some of the Ulamaa like Imaam Ibn Hazm – rahimahullah – do not see it as Waajib because to them the Hadith of ‘As-Sahifah’ does not refer to the Taaharah of Wudhuu
At best, it is a matter about which there is difference among Scholars. The best as we have said is to make sure there is Wuduu. Allaahu A’alam
Baarakallaahu feekum for ur dedication!’