Mu’adh bn Jabal – radiyallaahu anhu – said:
((عليكم بالعلم فإن طلبه لله عبادة، ومعرفته خشية، والبحث عنه جهاد))
وتعليمه لمن لايعلمه صدقة، ومذاكرته تسبيح، به يعرف الله ويعبد، وبه
يمجد الله ويوحد، يرفع الله بالعلم أقواما يجعلهم للناس قادة وأيمة
((يهتدون بهم وينتهون إلي رأيه
“Take extra heed to seeking ILM, for seeking it for Allah is Ibaadah, and knowing it (ilm) is a cause of been concious of Allah, and seeking for it (knowledge) is Jihaad, and teaching it to the ignorant one is sadaqah, and revising it along with your colleagues is a glorification (of Allah). With it (Ilm) Allah is known and worshipped, and by it Allah is magnified and worshipped alone. Allah elevates a people with ILM by which He makes them commanders and Imams by whom people seek guidance and prevent themselves from transgressing the limits (of Allah)” Jaami’ Bayaan Al-Ilm Wa Fadlihi 1/60