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The Knowledge Of The Relationship Between A Servant And His Lord


Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi rahimahullaah said:


Ílmu Al-Mua’malah (i.e the knowledge of the relationship between a servant and his Lord).

This knowledge has to do with the knowledge of the purification of the heart from its diseases be it showing-off, lack of sincerity, falsehood etc.

Acquiring this knowledge gives one ability to fear Allah, hoping from Him in everything, being pleased with Him in every situation and showing sincerity to Him in one’s action.

Moreover, it is with this knowledge that the status of our illustrious Ulamaa was raised and their names were remembered in History. The likes of Sufyaanu Ath-thawri, Imaam Abu Haneefah, Imaam Maalik, Imaam Ash-Shaafii’ and Imaam Ahmad Rahimahumullah.

However, the imposters who claim to be ”Ulamaa and Fuqahaa” do not give much importance to this knowledge and they only busy themselves with other knowledge. Thus, their status declines with time and their names are no where to be found in our History.

And it is possible for one to find a Faqih always discussing issues the like of Adh-Dhihaar(I.e for a man to say to his wife that; You are to me like my mother’s back), Al-li’aan ( I.e a mutual act of swearing that is carried out before a judge when a husband accuses his wife of adultery and cannot prove it with four witnesses) etc while neglecting topics that has to do with sincerity, warning against showing-off etc. Whereas, all these are part of Ulumu Ash-sharia’ and no part of it should be overlooked.

In fact, ilm Al-Mua’malah is Fardu a’yn and neglecting it will lead one to destruction. But teaching matters that has to do with Fiqh is Fardu Kifaayah.

Allaahu A’alam

Baarakallaahu feekum


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