Q&A (Fatwa)

#232: Ruling on getting together to make Dhikr


“Salaam Alaykum. I stumbled upon an article advocating collective invocation especially as regards a book called Al-Ma`thuraah. And I tried to sensitize them that its not the way of the salaaf doing it in unison. Afterwards they sent me their hujjah. Pls I want the admin to help look unto it if its genuine.”



We have gone through the attachement that you made – the writing that was allegedly powered by MSSN UNILAG and we will suffice here by mentioning that in the entire write-up, there is nothing to prove the permissibility of making dhikr in unison in a congregation. We do not disagree that it is permissible to gather together to remind one another of the signs of Allaah or to study the Qur’an together. What we do not agree to, and what there is no evidence to prove is the permissibility of uniformly reciting some invocation in congregation as some people do today.

We would just suffice here by saying that Imaam An-Nawawi – rahimahullaah – said:

“Ibn Battaal and others (among the Ulamaa) mentioned that the People of the various Schools of law and other than them are at a consensus on the dislike of raising the voice with Dhikr and Takbir.” Sharhu Sahih Muslim 5/84

May Allaah guide us towards that which is true and best; Aameen!

Allahu A’alam
Baarakallaahu feekum!




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