Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-
*What to be done when one finds it difficult to perform purification at night.*
Know verily that, Whosoever finds it difficult to perform purification at night and also finds it difficult to offer prayer, then, he is recommended to sit while facing the qiblah and start making Dhikr of Allah and supplications.
However, if he is not able to sit, then in this case, he should try to make the Dhikr of Allah while he is lying on his bed.
Whosoever is used to observe certain wird, but he was overwhelmed by sleep, should make it up after praying the salatu Adduha.
In this context, it is reported from Umar Ibn Khattab radiyallaahu anhu who said_ the Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
*”من نام عن حزبه أو عن شئ منه فقرأه فيما بين صلاة الفجر وصلاة الظهر كتب له كأنما قرأه من الليل”*
“Whosoever fall asleep and fail to recite his portion of the Qur’an, or a part of it, if he recites it between the dawn prayer and the noon prayer, it will be recorded for him as if he had recited it during the night.”
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Muslim in his ‘Sahih#747.
Lastly, whosoever is used to offering Qiyam Al-Layl, should beware of leaving it, for The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi said to Abdullahi ibn Amr radiyallaahu anhu;
*” لا تكن مثل فلان كان يقوم الليل فترك قيام الليل”*
” O Abdullahi! Do not be like so and so who used to to pray at night and then stopped offering Qiyam Al-Layl. ”
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Muslim in his ‘Sahih #185 and Imaam Al Bukhaari in his ‘Sahih#1159.
*27th Dhul Qa’dah, 1437.*
*31st August, 2016.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!