Daily Posts

The Calamities of Marriage



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


In the issue of marriage, there are some disadvantages. Among them are;

1. Inability to seek for *Halal* source of sustenance. This may cause the husband to go for what does not belong to him.

2. Deficiency in fulfilling the *right* of his wife.

3. The family and children may *distract* one from the remembrance of Allah and one becomes preoccupied by them. By so doing, he will not have time to set up his journey towards the Hereafter.

In summary, these are all the *Misfortunes* and *benefits*(Note: we mentioned them in our last daily post) that one may encounter by engaging in this great ibaadah which is *Marriage.*

However, whether one should go for the marriage or remains as a bachelor depends on the aforementioned calamities and merits.

Therefore, a devout worshiper is recommended to judging himself on these situations. If all the aforementioned dangers are absent and all the benefits are found, he has halal source of sustenance, and in addition to that, he is a very young person who wants to safeguard himself from falling into zinah, and he also needs a wife that will take care of his household, there is no doubt that, it is encouraged and beloved for him to engage himself in marriage.

And if it happens that the benefits are absent and there is much evil in the marriage, thus, declining from the marriage is preferred and better. This is in the case of a person that is not in need of marriage or marriage is not waajib on him.

But if he needs marriage in order not to fall into what Allah Has forbids, then marriage becomes obligatory upon him.

*20th Dhul-Hijjah, 1347.*

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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