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Conditions For A Sound Transaction



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Know verily that, for a business or contract to be sound in the sharia, it must fulfil some conditions.

1. *Assihha(validity).*

The transaction should be valid. If the contract has to do with selling and buying, it has three pillars; the contractor, the object in which the contract is built on and the wording.

A). *The contractor*.

It is highly recommended and beloved for a contractor not to sign a business with an insane person, for he is not a mukallaf(I.e an adult and sane person). Thus, the transaction is invalid. The contractor should not relate with a servant unless with the permission of his master. Likewise, he should not make a contract with a child unless his guardian or father allows him to do so.

And also for him to sign a contract with a blind person is valid to us. While some ulamaa, the likes of Imaam Ash-shaafii’ Rahimahullahu upheld its invalidity.

However, as for the one whose source of income is Haraaam, it is forbidden for a trader to deal with such a person.

B. *The object.*

It is upon this object that the business or contract is built. Therefore, what has been made haraam in the sharia in itself due to its impurity or other reason is also Haraam to make transaction on it. Examples of these are dogs, pigs etc.

However, it is permissible to buy and sell *horse* and *camel.*

In addition, insects, lutes, woodwind are all forbidden commodities due to their impurities.

C. *Wording for the contract.*

It is basically proposal and acceptance. If the acceptance comes first, the transaction is invalid according to some ulamaa while some ulamaa holds the opposite position.

Furthermore, the issue of proposal and acceptance between two parties should not be left out to avoid any dispute that might erupts.

Lastly, we need to call our attention to the point that, Allah Azzawajal Has strongly *condemned* and *warned* against any transaction based on *Riba.*(interest).

Thus, the contractor should safeguard himself from it and he should also try to know all the rulings patterning It.

*28th Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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