Halqah Series

Explanation of the First Hadīth quoted by Imām Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalānī in the Chapter on Ādāb

Halqah Series: Episode 92


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين وأصلي وأسلم على من بعث رحمة للعالمين وعلى آله وصحبه ومن تبعهم أجمعين

Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh

Dear brothers and sisters, you are welcome to this evenings session of the Sharh. We ask Allāh to bless it and to make it beneficial for us all. Āmīn.

We were explaining the first Hadīth quoted by Imām Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in the Chapter on Ādāb. It is the Hadīth of Abu Hurayrah – radiyallāhu ‘anhu where the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:

_”The Right of a Muslim on a Muslim are Six:_
_”If you meet him you say the Salām unto him”_
_”If he invites you, you should respond”_
_”If he seeks your advice concerning a matter, give him sincere advice”_
_”If he sneezes and says ‘Alhamdulillāh’, then say to him the tashmīt”_
_”If he falls sick, pay him visit’_

And we have explained the Hadīth up to the fourth right which is the _Tashmīt_.

We say, and Allāh is the source of Guidance, that the last right mentioned here by the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – here is that you visit your Muslim brother whenever he is sick. And that is because in visiting the sick is a form of relief for him from his illness, and shows that he is shown to be a part of the Muslim Ummah. It is his right, as this Hadīth has shown.

The Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – also mentioned in other places the rewards that are associated with visiting the Sick. He – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said in the Hadīth that was recorded by Imām Muslim – rahimahullāh:

إن المسلم إذا عاد أخاه المسلم لم يزل في خرفة الجنة ”

_”Indeed the Muslim whenever he visits his Muslim brother does not cease to be in the Shades of Jannah”_

This shows us the great rewards that are in visiting the sick Muslim

Know, O beloved one, that there are Ādāb associated with visiting the sick Muslim. Of them is that one should smile and sit by his side if in doing that he is not stressed and prevented from a rest that is necessary for him. Of them is that he should pray sincerely for him for recovery.

Of the du’ā that have come in the Sunnah for the sick is the following that was mentioned to be the Sunnah of the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – by A’isha – radiyallāhu ‘anhu – as was compiled by Imām Al-Bukhāri and Imām Muslim

أذهبِ البأس ، رب الناس ، اشفِ وأنت الشافي ، لا شفاء الا شفاؤك ، شفاء لا يغادر سقما

_”Take away the pain, O Lord of Mankind, heal, for you are the Healer, there is no cure but Your Cure, a Cure that does not spare any sickness”_

And if he needs Ruqyah, he should do the ruqyah for him without him asking for it. It is said that the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – used to say the Ruqyah, as was recorded by both Imām Al-Bukhāri and Imām Muslim:

بسم الله ، تربة أرضنا ، بريقة بعضنا ، يشفى سقيمنا بإذن ربنا

_”In the Name of Allāh, with the sand of our Land, using the saliva of some of us, our sick is cured with the permission of our Lord.”_

Imam An-Nawawī – rahimahullāh – had mentioned that this Ruqyah was done by the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – by:

_”He took of his spittle on his index finger and then touched the sand with it, which thereby attached to it some sand. He then rubbed with it the point of sickness of injury while reciting the wording mentioned.’_

And there are other forms of Ruqyah found in the Sunnah

Of the ettiquettes of this visitation is to remind the sick of the rewards that will compensate him by virtue of his illness. Of this is the Hadīth found in the Sunan of Imām Ibn Mājah that the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:

ما يبرح البلاء بالعبد حتى يتركه يمشي على الأرض وما عليه من خطيئة

_”Trials do not leave a Servant (of Allāh) until it leaves him walking the face of the earth completely fee of sins”_

And in the Hadīth the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said, as recorded in Sahih Muslim:

اذا حضرتم المريض فقولوا خيرا.فان الملائكه يؤمنون على ماتقولون

_”Whenever you visit the sick, then say only good for the Angels say Āmīn to what you say.”_

We ask Allāh to grant cure to all the sick Muslims, āmīn. And to save us from illnesses that are apparent and those that are hidden

Then, the last right that was mentioned in the Hadīth is:

_”And if he dies, then follow him (to the grave)”_

This is the right of the Muslim upon the Muslim community that when he dies, he must be burried in the right way, he must have the Salāt of Janāzah done on him and his corpse must be escorted to the grave.

Imām Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalānī – rahimahullāh – mentioned in Fat’hu Al-Bārī that what is meant by following the dead is to observe the Janāzah Salāt on him, follow him to the grave, or one of both.

Imām Ibn Daqīq Al-‘Īd – rahimahullāh – said the same thing in _Ihkām Al-Ahkām_

But that the body of a dead Muslim be prepared for burial, prayed upon and seen to the grave is a Fard that is compulsory on the entirety of the Muslim Ummah as a collective obligation is the Consensus of the Ulamā. And this means that this obligation is a right that the Muslim has upon the Muslim Community as a Communal Obligation and not as the Individual obligation of every single Muslim

Imām Ibn Hubayrah mentioned this is _Al-Ifsāh_

An-Nawawī in Al-Majmū’, and others.

But this does not deemphasize the importance and rewards attached to this very improtant deed. However, this obligation becomes individually obligatory upon the one who see that the burial of this Muslim is dependent on him. It therefore becomes obligatory by so doing.

Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned this, rahimahullāh, in the _Ikhtiyārāt_

But in the following of the funeral procession of a Muslim is a lot of individual benefits for the Muslim for in it he remembers the obligations of Allāh and the ultimate end of every living being which is death, the Barzakh, and the Hereafter.

We ask Allah to grant us an excellent end and the Successful life of Eternity, āmīn.

*The Second Hadīth*

وعن أبي هريرية رضي الله عنه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (انظروا إلى من هو أسفل منكم، ولا تنظروا إلى من هو فوقكم، فهو أجدر أن لا تزدروا نعمة الله عليكم)
متفق عليه

_”From Abū Hurayrah – radiyallāhu ‘anhu – who said the Messenger of Allāh – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:_

_”Look toward thise who are below you (in means and wealth) and do not look toward those who are above you (in means and wealth). For that is better in making you not belittle the Bounty of Allāh upon you.”_

This Hadīth is recorded by both Bukhārī and Muslim.

We shall expound on this Hadīth Allāh willing tomorrow.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Alhamdulillāh Awwalan Wa Ākhiran

5th Ramadan 1439

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