_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, in dealing with rulers or leaders, there are three likely cases;
*1*. Meeting them willingly. This is the worst situation because of what it may lead to of being pleased with them.
It is reported from the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam who said:
_”من أتى أبواب السلاطين افتتن”._
_”Whosoever approaches the gates of the rulers will surely be tempted.”_
Transmitted and recorded by Imām Abu Dāwud in his ‘Sunan#2859.
Hudhayzah radiyallaahu anhu was reported to have said:
“إياكم ومواقف الفتن، فقيل: وما مواقف الفتن؟ قال: أبواب الأمراء”
_”I warn you against the places of temptations”_
_He was then asked: what are the places of temptations?_
_He said: The doors of rulers_”
Furthermore, one who is dealing with rulers is likely to commit sins may be due to his action, statement or his keeping silent about the oppressions and errors of the ruler.
Showing smiling face to a tyrant ruler is sinful unless if one is afraid of his oppression. Thus, what is only permissible is to make salam to them. And also, It is highly discouraged to say long life to a tyrant ruler. For Imaam Hasan Al-Basari Rahimahullāh was reported to have said:
_”من دعا لظالم بطول البقاء، فقد أحب أن يعصي الله”_
_”Whosoever prays for a tyrant ruler to have a long live, has indeed preferred to disobey Allah.”_
Thus, it is not permissible to pray for such a ruler except to say; “May Allah guide you or may Allah rectify your affairs.”
It is also forbidden meeting the rich person in a modest manner due his wealth.
*14th Al-Muharram, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fēkum!