_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, we have explicitly mentioned the adāb of the munkir. Thus, the attributes of the munkir can be summarized into three;
*1.* Having knowledge regarding religious censorship and its limits, so that he wouldn’t exceed the boundaries of the sharià.
*2.* Piety, for he may have the knowledge of something but he wouldn’t be able to practise it due to some reasons.
*3.* Good behavior. This is the foundation of everything. For anger cannot be controlled with just knowledge and piety without good behaviours.
In this context, Some Salaf are reported to have said:
_”لا يأمر بالمعروف إلا رفيق فيما يأمر به، رفيق فيما ينهى عنه، حليم فيما يأمر به، حليم فيما ينهى عنه، فقيه فيما يأمر به، فقيه فيما ينهى عنه “_
_” Commanding good and forbidding evil should be observed by someone who is kind and soft in his manners, gentle and knowledgeable.”_
Amongst the ādāb of the munkir, is for him to reduce his love and interest for worldly matters and he should not depend on others so that he wouldn’t compromise his stands when commanding good and forbidding evil.
In this regard, it was said that one of the pass predecessors had a cat, and the predecessor used to get some food for his cat from one of his neighbor who happened to be a butcher. One day, he saw munkar on the butcher, he then entered his house and released his cat, he then went to the butcher and make inkār on him regarding the munkar. Then the butcher said: ” From today, I won’t give you anything for your cat, the salaf then replied to him by saying:
“I didn’t make inkār on you until I had released my cat, thus, I don’t need your assistance again.”
And this is true, if one do not stop seeking two things from people he won’t be able to make inkār on their evil act. Those two things are;
*I.*Things that he receives from them of worldly gains.
*II.*Their pleasure and praises on him.
*24th Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!