_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, one is highly encouraged to command good and forbid evil in a kind, gentle and polite manner.
In this context, Allāh, The most High says;
_”فقولا له قولا لينا”_
_”Then speak to him a gentle word …”_.
*Suratu Taha, Verse 44*
And It is reported that Abu Addardāh Radiyallāhu anhu once passed by a man who has committed a sin and people were insulting him. Abu Addardāh Radiyallāhu anhu then said to them:
If you were to find him in a well, wouldn’t you take him out of it?
They replied: off course we will take him out of it, then he said to them: Do not insult your brother, and Show gratitude to Allāh who Has saved you from such a sin. They then said: wouldn’t you hate him? He said: verily, I will only hate his deed, and if he gives it up, he is my brother.
In summary, one is recommended and encouraged to command good and forbid evil with wisdom and goodly exhortation.
*25th Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!