_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
These are stories regarding the admonition given by the pious scholars to their rulers in summary we have presented in our past daily posts, whosoever wishes to have more of it, should check the book *AL-MISBĀHU Al-MUDĪ.*
And this is the methodology followed by the pious ulamaa in commanding good and forbidding evil, and they hardly follow the footsteps of the rulers in order for them to be able to establish the right of Allāh Ta’āla rather than comprising with them.
However, the past rulers knows the virtues of knowledge and its status, thus they were patient on the severity of the admonitions given by the ulamaa, what I see now, is for the ulamaa not to move towards the rulers at all, for that is better, and if it happens the ulamā meets by them, then they should give them admonition by using soft tune and in a gentle manner.
This is because of two reasons:
*1.* What has to do with the person making the admonition, which is bad intention and his inclination towards the dunyā and showoff, thus he won’t be able to make his admonition sincerely.
*2.* What has to with the person being admonished, for verily, the love of dunyā has preoccupied majority of people from the remembrance of the Hereafter, and the way they gave much value to the dunyā has make them to forget the status of the ulamā, and it is not permissible for a mu’min to humiliate himself.
This is the end of the book which has to do with commanding good and forbidding evil, and the author before that mentioned a book on *LISTENING TO MUSIC*, in shā Allah we will mention some of it here in summary.
*15th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!