_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that- may the blessing of Allāh be upon you, Amongst the greatest entrance and bad acts which the shaitān uses against man are envy and covetousness. whenever a servant is much interested and have high desires in a thing, his high taste and interest of such a thing will make him become blind and deaf from what will prevent him from such a thing, and it will cover his foresight and intellect and even his knowledge from been able to detect the deception and plots of shaitān.
And likewise, if he happens to be an envious person, shaitān uses such weakness in him to plot against him, and he will beautify for him all what he needed and ways to attain his objectives, even though such goals may be forbidden or despicable acts in the Shari’a.
Also, amongst the ways by which shaitan get to man are; anger, excessive desires, for verily, anger blocks the faculty of thinking, and when the intellect doesn’t think properly, the shaitan seized such opportunity to play and misguide man.
And it has been reported that shaitan said:
If a servant become angry and furious, we play with his intellect the way children play with a ball.
*8th Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!