_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Amongst the plots of shaitan, is greedy for wealth and excessive love for it, when the greediness of money is established in heart it destroys it and it causes the heart to seek for wealth by all means, and it makes one to be a miser and one fears poverty and one will always not want to give out the due rights of the money.
Amongst the plots of shaitan, is partisanship on a maz’hab and sticking to it.
And of it, is the bad suspicion about Muslims, for whosoever have bad thinking about a Muslim, he will surely belittle him and stretch his tongue on him, and will consider himself better than him, and he will never give excuse for him on his little mistake whereas a believer gives excuses for his fellow Muslim, and a munāfiq searches for his lapses.
Though, one is highly recommended to distance himself from a suspicious places so that people will not think bad about him, for this is a place by which shaitan gets his ways, and the remedy for this, is for one to block the way completely by distancing himself from such a place and by purifying the heart from blameworthy attitude, and in shā Allāh later, we shall explain all these attributes explicitly.
When all these bad characters have been uprooted from the heart, the shaitan has no place to establish on the heart except some whispering and this can be taking care off by zikr of Allāh and nurturing the heart with piety.
*10th Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!