_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily, may Allāh bless you and guide you to the straight path, that Some people who find it difficult in changing their bad acts and are not patient and forbearance in coaching themselves on good characters and ways of purifying the diseases of their hearts, claimed that characters are unchangeable the way it is not possible to change the physical appearance of a body structure.
Our answer to such claim is that;
If it is true that character are unchangeable, then, there is no use of admonishing, advising, encouraging others on good morals, for no need of striving to change something that is fixed and constant.
But the truth of it is that, characters are changeable and adjustable, only that, the nature and determination of individuals differs in the ability of adjusting their manners. In some people, it is very difficult for them to train themselves on certain characters while others, it may be easy and simple to them.
And also, one should know that, the aim is not to erase and curb completely some of the attributes we made mentioned like desires, anger, etc. Rather, what’s is needed and expected, is being moderate in one’s desires and anger which is balancing between negligence and excessiveness.
As for curbing it completely, it is something that is not possible and it is highly discouraged by the sharia because of the side effects.
For instance, desires of food and marital relationship are built in man nature for some certain benefits which are necessary and fundamental. Thus, if the desires of food is crushed completely in man nature, definitely people will perish due to that, and likewise, if sexual desires is curbed completely, there will be the termination of man on earth.
In addition, if man doesn’t get angry completely, then, it is not possible for him to push away what may harm him or to fight for his honor and dignity.
In this context, Allāh Ta’āla says;
_أشداء على الكفار_
_”They are stern on the kuffar_
*Suratu Al-Fat’h, verse 29.*
However, it is not possible for one to be stern and harsh except with anger, and also if there is no existence of anger in man nature, it is not possible to carryout jihad against the kuffar.
Allāh also says;
_والكاظمين الغيظ_
*Suratu Al-i’mrān, verse 134.*
_And those who restrain their anger…_
Here, we can see that, Allāh says that the companions Radiyallāhu anhum ajmaī’n used to restrain their anger and Allāh did not say that they lack anger completely.
Therefore, what is needed is to apply such characters in the best place, ways and in a moderate manners.
*16th Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!