_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily, we have made mentioned that, the desires of the soul was not placed in the body except for some benefits to the body, for if not because of the desires of food, no one will want to eat, thus, nutrients will not get to the body, and if not because of the desires of marital relationship, there will be the termination of man on earth.
What is blameworthy is excessiveness and exceeding the limit in desires, however, majority of the people are ignorant of these, some of them went extreme by shunning away completely from the desires which is of benefits to them and this is an oppression to the soul by preventing it its due right, for soul has some basic rights.
In this regard, the prophet sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam said:
_إن لنفسك عليك حقا_
_Verily, your soul has some basic rights on you._
Transmitted and recorded by Imām Al-Bukhārī #1968.
And also because of ignorant and extremism, some people even went ahead to prohibit that which is halal for them to take like honey and fruits and the likes, thinking that by so doing, they are getting closer to Allāh.
However, this is completely against the teaching of our beloved Messenger sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. For the Messenger sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam used to take honey and fruits and no one on earth is closer and more pious than the Messenger sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam.
Therefore, prohibiting that which is made halal to the soul is closer to oppression than justice to the soul, but one can shun away from it if it is difficult to get or one doesn’t have the means or one fears that one shouldn’t be over satiated thereby making ibādāt difficult for one.
As for seeking that which the soul likes of honey, fruits and the likes in order to make the body stronger and healthy, it is beloved, for it is just like medicine to a sick person, it is praiseworthy and not blameworthy, thus, gentleness should be apply to the soul so that it can find ease in ibādāt.
*24th Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!