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Ways that leads to Anger and Its Remedies 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_

*4.* One should fear for oneself the outcome of enmity, retaliation and the disaster that may result due to anger. For verily, one will not seize from tribulations and trials.

Thus, one should fear for oneself the outcome of anger in this dunya if one cannot fear that of Hereafter, and this means preferring certain desires as against anger. Hence, one have no reward for abstaining from anger due to what it may lead to in this dunya except if one desists from it because of what may befall one in the Hereafter, in this case, one will be rewarded for it.

*5.* One should take a look at one’s ugly face when angry. Thus, one may resemble a ravenous dog, or a running wolf. And with such character, one is far away from the attributes of the prophets and that of the ‘Ulamā.

6. One should also think on the cause that draws one for retaliation. For shaitan may whisper to one by saying: “If you don’t revenge, it shows you are weak, humiliated and you will be belittled in the eyes of the people, thus, hasten for retaliation.” One should not listen to such misconception by shaitan.

However, one should push away such thought from shaitan by saying to oneself: “You disliked to be belittled in the eyes of the people in this dunya by getting angry and taking step for retaliation but you didn’t dislike to be belittled in the side of Allah on the day of resurrection by not getting angry and forgiving others.”

Therefore, one should try to control his anger, by so doing, one will attain a great reward in the side of Allāh.

*7.* One is encouraged to remain silent during anger, one should also seek refuge with Allāh regarding that, if one is standing, one should try to sit down, if one is sitting, then one should lie down, and one is also recommended to perform ablution in order to suppress the anger.

*17th Jumādā Ath-thāni, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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