_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, in this context, Hasan wrote a letter to ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdulaziz in which the letter shows the pettiness of the dunya and it’s setback. In the letter, Hasan says:
“Know verily that, the dunya is a temporary home not a permanent dwelling, for Adam ‘alayhissalam was sent down to the earth as a test and trials, thus, beware of it oh the leader of the believers, and the best preparation that one can make is for one to shun away from it, the most comfortable person in it is the one that desists from its luxuries. And also, it humiliates whosoever honored it, and whosoever rushes to gather its luxuries will never be satisfied.
Moreover, the dunya is like a poison which kills whosoever takes from it. Thus, take heed and precaution, and beware of its deceptions and temptations, for its happiness is blended with grieve and sorrow, and its pure part is mixed with filthy things. And its comfort of illusion will suffice the intelligent person to beware of it even though Allāh didn’t mention its insignificant and warn against it.
However, that wasn’t the case, Allāh in His infinite mercy Has warned and cautioned about the dunya and its pettiness.
And know oh the leader of the believer that, the treasures and the keys of the dunya were offered to the Messenger sallallāhu alayhi wasallam, which is not equal to the mosquito’s wing, but the Messenger of Allāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam declined from it and rejected it and he disliked to love that which is weightless in the side of his creator nor to honor that which Allāh Has downloaded. Allāh withholds its luxuries from the pious people based on his choice, and He gave it to His enemy as a illusion and deception, would the one being carried away by its luxuries be deceived that he is been honored by it? And he has forgotten what the messenger sallallāhu alayhi wasallam underwent of severe hunger to the extent that he has to tie stone to his stomach.
By Allāh, nobody would be given the dunya and doesn’t fear nor scare for him that he is been tested by it except the one whose intellect is deficient and his thinking is weak and narrow, and no one will think negative of Allah for withholding the luxuries of this worthless dunya from him except the one with weak understanding and foresight.
*12th Sha’bān,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!