_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Mālik Ibn Dīnār said:
_”Beware of the dunya, for it lures the heart of even the ‘Ulamaa”._
Regarding the similitude of the dunya, Yūnus Ibn ‘Ubaid was reported to have said:
The similitude of the dunya is like a person who is sleeping, while sleeping, in his dream, he sees what he hates and loves, while he was in that situation, he woke up suddenly and realized his true situation.”
What this mean is that, they will know their true situation after death, and in reality, what they have of the luxuries of the dunya is just temporary, illusion and deception
And It was reported that;
‘Isa ‘ālayhissalatu wasalam sees the dunya in form of an old woman adorned with all sorts of beauty. He then said to her: How many people have you married? She said: I don’t have the record of their numbers? He said: Did all of them died or they divorced you? She said: Rather, I killed all of them,
‘Isa ālayhissalatu wasalam then said:
Woh to the husbands who are with you now, why is it that they don’t take lesson from your passed husband. How come you destroyed them one by one, and they never take heed nor lesson?!
Lastly, Al-‘Ulā Ibn Ziyād said:
I saw in my dream, an old woman covered with all sorts of beauty, and people were moving around her and were astonished about the beauty and they were looking at her, then I said: woe to you, who are you? She said: don’t you know me? I said : No, she said: I am dunya. I said: I seek refuge in Allah from your evils. She said: if you really want to safeguard yourself from my evils, then beware of wealth, excessive luxuries.”
*16th Sha’bān,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!